code of conduct

All vendors, customers and staff whether at the Backyard at Northstar site, or Backyard Flea functions, agree to conduct themselves in a professional manner that fosters a sense of Market community and camaraderie, and a spirit of cooperative involvement that promotes the Market as a whole to the communities it represents and serves.

The Backyard Flea is NOT responsible for anything that takes place in anyone’s personal life, vendors and patrons alike. Please do not assume the Backyard Flea is responsible for anything that happens outside of flea market grounds. Thank you

By attending in the Backyard Flea Market, all vendors, staff, and patrons agree to:

  1. Demonstrate respect for people of all genders, races, ages, ethnicities, and abilities

  2. Treat everyone with courtesy, patience, and honesty

  3. Not engage in a manner that is rough, menacing, vulgar, profane, or abusive, including making anyone uncomfortable within the Backyard Flea space

  4. Notify the market manager immediately of any unsafe conditions and conflicts

  5. Resolve conflicts with respect and kindness

  6. Practice safe behaviors at all times, including but not limited to, driving on and off-site, loading and unloading, and consuming alcohol on Northstar property

  7. Keep all animals on Northstar property on restraints and under my control and responsibility at all times. Ensure my animal is vaccinated and provide verification of vaccination upon request by management

  8. Clean up after themselves before leaving the event

  9. Have fun, enjoy all the vendors and vibes